Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Outsourcing Your Internet Marketing: What Can I Outsource In My Internet Marketing Business?

In the past I have spent countless hours and days trying to create a website or graphic because I didn't want to spend money paying someone else to do it better, faster and ultimately much cheaper. How can it be cheaper if I'm paying someone else to do what I'm doing for free? That's the kind of thinking that'll have you frustrated and spinning your wheels for days, weeks, months or even years. What I didn't consider back then was just how much it was costing me in time. It is an important question that often accompanies a similar one - when should i outsource my marketing - a question I answered in another article. My answer to this is, quite a lot, especially most writing projects: articles, blog posts, emails and reports, web page copy, web design, SEO optimization, graphic design, etc. Often, internet marketers believe they have to become a sort of jack of all trades or renaissance man needing to know how to do everything. Problem is, we might know enough HTML code to make a website - but not a professional one. We might know enough about photoshop to make a graphic header, but not one that pops.