Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Finally Work From Home and Be Successful

Prioritize Profitable Projects: Very important. Never be pennywise, but pound foolish when it comes to building your online business. Sacrifice easy gains for long term, higher end value. Enjoy What You Do.....and Take a Break When You Don't'. Burnout is a big problem when you work for yourself. Learning to leave when it stops being fun is a great way of keeping your fire flowing. Just because you work online doesn't mean to ignore calling people, meeting for lunch or simply making real relationships with your readers, affiliates and promotional partners. After all, it's no fun to be sitting in the corner by yourself forever. I've run business from beautiful downtown offices, from Spartan high energy "war rooms" and from modest spaces in my own home....and can tell you, hands down, I love being 20 feet from my kitchen, TV and acoustic guitar whenever I have the urge. Always Be Leveraging. Yes, that means use software and services to expedite tasks. Doing manual keyword research? Use a tool instead. Hand building all of your blogs? Leverage a widget, or a plugin, or a person, to exponentially amp up your efforts, and fast)


  1. Yes i am agree with you work from home is the best task.

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