Sunday, September 19, 2010

USA (Wisconsin) Onsite Document Scanning Services

RFP ID: DE-0187
We are Wisconsin; USA based organization looking for qualified and experienced service for Document Scanning Services.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
(1)  Provider shall scan paper copies in groups by date according to the schedule set. Scanning shall include both paper and reel copies.
(2) Provider shall de-skew all images to the extent possible for best quality.
(3) Provider shall rotate each image to be right side up and straight.
(4) Provider shall save each image to a single-page, 300 dpi, bi-tonal Group IV TIFF compressed image.
(5) Provider shall send the batch of images immediately upon completing the scans.
(6) Provider must send USB drives and DVDs of all images for importing.
(7) Provider shall make 2 sets of DVDs made for backups.
(8) Volumes 1 – 68 – Photostats Pages (9" X 11`.5") approx. 450 double-sided pages.
(9) Volumes 69 – 74 – 16mm Roll Film approx. 900 images per roll.
(10) Volumes 75 – 79 – Photostat Pages (9" X 11.5") approx. 450 double-sided pages.
[C] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Onsite. Vendor needs to carry work in our office location.
[D] Eligibility:
Onshore (USA Only)
[E] Deadline to Submit Proposals: October 13, 2010

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