Thursday, February 19, 2009

Slow Down and Learn the Basics. 3 Ways to Be a Success With Information Marketing

Take the time to look at and learn the many ways to drive traffic to your website(s) and product(s). Some methods are completely free but some can drive you to the poor farm rather quickly. Decide which ones appeal to you and give you the best results while taking up the least of your time. One way to speed up the learning curve is to have a mentor. This can simply be another person whom you have gotten to know who also does information marketing that you respect and have been following. Another option for a mentor is to contact a favorite online marketer and ask them a few questions. Pick someone who's emails you have been reading and who you believe is approachable, not someone who is so successful that they won't have time to talk to you. Perhaps that person has a coaching program that you could invest in. Many newbie marketers use this particular method and find that their successes come much quicker. Watch what they do, what they say in their emails and how they say it, how their websites are set up, what business model they follow, etc. Another option for a mentor is to contact a favorite online marketer and ask them a few questions. Learning how to drive traffic to whatever website you are promoting, whether it's your own, an affiliate product, or AdSense ads, is the most important thing you need to learn. If you were in college to get a 4 year degree in 'Successfully Making Money On The Internet', the subject of marketing would be covered 3 out of the 4 years. It's that important.