Learn How to Make More Money from your Web site with These Simple Web Design Ideas Maybe you've already got a web site. But the problem is that it's not making any money. Simply having a web site is no longer enough. Getting a professional design involves a little bit of art and a little science. A quality look to a site will make vistors feel that the information that is presented is also of a professional quality.A good example would be a company that has holday cottages for rent. The initial static web site showed nice pictures of the cottages available but visitors had to phone to book. After a makeover, visitors were able to see on the web site when the cottages were available and were able to book online. The owners were delighted because they had less phone calls to deal with and at the same time the number of bookings increased.There have also been numerous scientific experiments which show where on the page you should be putting your main content if you want it to be noticed.You simply have to be innovative and different to make an impact in today's marketplace.
more sales or to reduce customer service enquiries, this is all possible. At the end of the day this will mean greater profits.
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