If you are looking for the answer to the question… it's Related Content.
websitei-outsource-india.blogspot.com visitors simply can't resist it. They are already on your site and enjoying the experience so far. So if you are able to serve up more content that is relevant and optimized to suit their interests you have a powerful way to keep your visitors on your site longer.
So you probably thinking "Yea that sounds great, but I don't have any money to spend on some expensive plugin that can do that."
Lucky for you, there is a FREE widget specifically designed for Blogger users called Limk that not only displays related content, but also does NOT kill your SEO by using external URL's or slowing down your site's loading speed.
And the best part is you can have it installed and running on your site in less than 2 minutes!
Do yourself a HUGE favor and take a few minutes of your time to get all the details on this amazing widget and get it installed on your site ASAP.
P.S. Although it is super easy to install on your site please don't hesitate to reply to this email if you run into and problems. I will be more than happy to help you get it set up.